
Endorsed Candidates

for LVJUSD School Board

Over the past two months, our parent organization, LAPE, invited candidates who filed papers to run for the school board to interview with us. Most candidates agreed, but one did not respond to emails and had no contact information on file.

In the interviews, four members of our Elections Committee asked each candidate nine questions, with follow-ups, on topics ranging from governance, budgets, unions, curriculum, and others. Each interviewee was ranked according to a rubric and the results were discussed with our wider LAPE members. As a result of the discussion, we were pleased to arrive at our top two choices, Tara Boyce and Christiaan VandenHeuvel. 

Visit Tara’s and Christiaan’s websites to learn how to support these outstanding candidates and help their campaigns. Donate, attend get-togethers, talk to your neighbors, and request a lawn sign. If we all work together, we can put Tara and Christiaan on our school board.